Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Top Five Examples of Average Guy Badassery

The world is a dangerous place. Oh, not for all the tornadoes, wild fires, and hungry wildlife – it’s the people.
Yeah, people are dangerous; and not just the usual people, like your children, gang members and John Rambo. I’m talking normal people, like drive-up bank tellers and kindergarten teachers. Some of these people are badasses and they can fuck up your day.
How can you tell the difference between a mild mannered librarian and a savage killing machine? You can’t. But I can, and I’m naming names. As a public service to all you Average Guys out there, here is a list of normal, everyday people who have demonstrated a vast amount of badassery. Sure some of the people on this list aren’t Average Guy’s because they’re chicks but it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if even the women on this list pull out their monster dongs and face fuck alligators just for fun.  These are people you don’t want to fuck with:

Celsa Aleman, 38, Acapulco, Mexico
Associated Press headline: “Woman riding a donkey fights off lion with machete”
What the lion felt like after a woman on a donkey handed him his ass.
Aleman, then 35, and her seven-year-old niece rode a donkey on a rural road near Acapulco in August 2008 when an African lion appeared through the brush and charged the donkey. Aleman drew a machete and beat the fucking thing in the head until it dashed back into the brush.
The lion that escaped from a private zoo had killed two dogs and ate a pig before it had its ass handed to it by a woman on a donkey.
Badass factor: 7 out of 10

Jason Cull, 40, Sydney, Australia
Associated Press headline: “Australian pokes shark in the eye to survive mauling”
Don't fuck with Australians.
Cull, then 37, was out for a swim off Middleton Beach in southwestern Australia in May 2008, in a place known for sharks – you know, the ocean – when he was attacked by, strangely enough, a shark.
The 16-foot shark, thought to be a great white, bumped into Cull, which apparently only pissed him off. You do NOT want to piss off an Australian. They’re bigger badasses than Germans.
“I sort of punched it, and it grabbed me by the leg and dragged me under the water,” Cull told the Associated Press. “I just remember being dragged backwards underwater. I felt along it, I found its eye and I poked it in the eye, and that’s when it let go.”
He fought off a shark. A shark.
Badass factor: 8 out of 10

Brooke Collins, 22, Juneau, Alaska
ABC News headline: “Woman punches black bear in nose to save dog”
Doesn't Brooke look sweet with her puppy? She beat up a bear.
Collins, 22, had just let her dogs out to play in August when she heard one yelp. She rushed outside to find a black bear pinning her 12-year-old dachshund, Fudge, to the ground. So, she did what any normal Alaskan would do. Call animal control? No. Lock the door and think, “gosh, I’m glad that’s not me?” No way. Run toward the bear bellowing “Fudge that” like a Norse berserker? Yep. That’s what she did.
“I was screaming to startle the bear and ran up to it thinking if I got close to it, it would run off, but I got within inches and it still wouldn’t go,” Collins told ABC News. “So I punched it in the nose.” Of course she did. Bitch is crazy. The bear dropped the dog and ran into the trees.
Badass factor: 9 out of 10

Han Besau, 55, Kg Sungai Tiang, Malaysia
Pussy for life.
London Daily Mail headline: “Woman saves husband from tiger attack by beating it with a wooden ladle in Malaysian jungle”
Besau, a housewife, heard her 60-year-old husband Tambun Gediu screaming like he was being attacked by a fucking tiger because he was being attacked by a fucking tiger. Besau ran toward the 600-pound cat, screaming something like, “oogie boogie” or whatever the shit they speak in Malaysia, and started smacking it over the head with a soup ladle.
“It would have clawed me to death if my wife had not arrived,” Tambun told the Daily Mail from his hospital bed knowing full well he’ll be called a pussy the rest of his life.
The tiger ran off into the bushes knowing if this woman was fucking crazy enough to attack it with a big ass spoon, no telling what she’d do to it. Tigers aren’t stupid.
Badass factor: 10 out of 10

Juliane Koepcke, 57, Munich, Germany
Newsweek headline: “17-Year-Old Only Survivor in Peruvian Accident”
She was even a badass at prom.
Koepcke was a 17-year-old  high school senior at the time. She was flying to see her dad. She was probably writing in her diary or whatever in the hell high school girls do, like not putting out or something when SHIT GOT REAL. God or Zeus or some other dude with a white beard living in the sky was bored as fuck so he decided to chuck a lightning bolt at Koepcke’s plane. Koepcke fell two miles from the sky and then got up and said, “Fuck you, gravity. I ain’t no punk.” But Koepcke is German so it probably sounded like she was choking on a sauerkraut sandwich and telling people to kill Jews.
If that’s not badass enough this chick then walked her happy ass right out of the jungle for nine days until she came across some lumberjacks (Whom I’m sure she banged. I mean come on, they’re lumberjacks). The lumberjacks, being learned doctors and what not, decided they better treat this babe’s wounds because they looked like they were probably infected because there were all sorts of jungle bugs flying around them. So they busted out some gasoline (lumberjacks treat all wounds and illnesses with gasoline) and poured it in her wounds. This bitch is so hard I bet she didn’t even flinch. Koepcke told the London Daily Mail, "I counted 35 worms that came out of my arms alone." after they poured gasoline on her cuts.
As if she wasn’t bad ass enough Koepcke was the only person that survived the crash. Ninety-one other people died – pussies.
Badass factor: 10 out of 10
These BAMFs are not alone. Dangerous people surround us every second of every day. Lesson here? Become a recluse shut-in (well, a recluse, alcoholic shut-in). You’ll live longer.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Average Guy’s Guide to Arguing with other Average Guys

Average Guys argue a lot. Not about anything like the national debt, the humanitarian crisis in Iran, or the state of the American political-social structure. We argue about important shit, like how many boobs would be optimal on a woman. Not that there’s anything wrong with two. The Average guy is a big fan of two. But, there’s always room for improvement.
This isn't an argument, it's a deep discussion about boobs.

Average Guy 1 (after seven beers and a handful of Funyons): How many breasts do you think the perfect woman should have?

Average Guy 2(after eight beers and a whiskey): First, don’t call them breasts. Call them honkers, tits, jugs, Winnebagos, knockers, happy fun time bags, or buzoombas. Breasts are for chickens and your mom. Second, there’s no such thing as the perfect woman. Third, I say four. Two on the front and two on the back.

Average Guy 1: You’ve only got two hands.

Average Guy 2: Four solves a lot of problems. No matter which way she’s facing, her boobs are always pointing at you – even when she’s pissed off and has her back to you, which is all the fucking time. And when she tries to make up after a fight and wants to hug, you’ll actually want to hug her back because you’re copping a feel on FOUR BOOBS at the same time. Of course, the bra would be complicated.

Average Guy 1: I’m thinking three.
These are the boobs those guys are arguing over.

Average Guy 2: That’s uneven. You want her to have back problems?

Average Guy 1: The third one would be on her back. You know, for the first date, so whenever I put my arm around her.

Average Guy 2: That’s cuddling. Chicks like to cuddle. Betty Jo Librarian likes to cuddle. Megan Fox does not like to cuddle. Do you like to cuddle?

Average Guy 1: No.

Average Guy 2: Of course not. No Average Guy likes to cuddle. Now picture Megan Fox with four tits.

Average Guy 1 (picturing Megan Fox with four tits): I’m an idiot.

Average Guy 2: I think guys should have two dicks.

And so on until all the booze is gone.

The sweet thing is Average Guy 2 is a genetic engineer and can make this shit happen.

Average Guy arguments range from beer, to cars, to football, to music, to football, to beer, to tits, to more tits, to movies, to celebrities we want to punch, to politics (only a discussion of “Air Force One” with Harrison Ford because Ford as the president is a bad ass), to what would be your favorite weapon to use on a zombie, and finally the perfect snack food – beef jerky versus Bugles.

An argument between two Average Guys will last the entire time both men are still breathing. An Average Guy will admit that he farted, took the last slice of pizza, took a shit in the urinal, and that he got crabs from that skank at Chuck E Cheese’s, but an Average Guy will never admit that he is wrong. The only way the argument can end is death either resulting from the actual argument or being completely unrelated. If the Average Guy who lives longer is in charge of the burial arrangements for the dead Average Guy the epitaph will likely read something to the effect of “Here lies Bob. He didn’t know shit about tits.” or “Fuck you Bob. I win. Have fun being dead and shit.”
Average Guys argue out of necessity, like when a buddy says your sister has a nice ass.

Average Guys are peace-loving people who argue out of drunken necessity, not out of anger. The only time an Average Guy argument turns violent is when a woman both of you poked is involved, someone insulted your car, someone pointed out you’re going bald, a guy in a pink shirt bought you a shot then smiled, your best friend says he always wanted to bone your sister, something random made you think about work, or a dickhead who doesn’t know any better looked at you funny.

Now piss off, I’m trying to have a thoughtful conversation about tits.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Average Guys Commandments to Video Gaming

          The Average Guy used to do productive shit in his free time at the request of his female companion. “Honey I really think the kitchen needs remodeled” or “Baby could you go rake the leaves.” Then one day God was like “Fuck that” and he made video games (Timothy 2:11-15). God said “These hoes be trifling. Thou shall take your ass into the kitchen and make your man a sandwich and not complain about the fucking color of the counter tops on which it is prepared and I put those leaves on the ground for a reason. Let them be. For fuck’s sake, men gave you bitches a rib, show some respect.” Then God zapped down some video games and got totally baked with his homeboys and played Mario.
            From that day on we, as men, have been rocking video games until our thumbs are blistered and our eyes are dryer than Ellen DeGeneres’ vagina at a Chipendale’s show. So honor thy lord and thy video games and obey the following commandments of video games.

If you think there's a better way to spend a weekend than this you're wrong.
1. Thou shall be thy bad guy
            It used to be that you could only be the good guy in video games which was cool, but now you can be the bad guy which is great. Life gives us plenty of opportunities to be a good guy without consequence and in a lot of situations you’ll even get rewarded for good deeds. Unfortunately, we don’t get very many opportunities to roam down the street with a submachine gun mowing down everybody Grand Theft Auto style without going to prison. Take advantage of the opportunity that video games present the Average Guy to satisfy his murderous rage.
2. Thou shall play games with nudity
            Let’s just be honest here. Before video games had nudity we were all dying to see Princess Toadstool’s 8-bit titties. I mean if a couple of Average Guy plumbers were willing to battle a giant fucking dragon-turtle thing that breathes fire just to rescue some bitch you know that must have been a fine piece of ass. Now that video games have nudity you should take full advantage.
3. Thou shall honor thy ancestors
            Just because the graphics in games are so good now they look better than real life doesn’t mean that the old school shit isn’t good. Honor the games that paved the way for the video games of today. There are tons of websites where you can play old school games online, which is way better than actually working while you’re at work. Playing old school video games is kind of like fucking a cougar. She might not be the newest model but the end result can still be just as satisfying. Just try a little Ryne Sandberg’s Bases Loaded Baseball and you’ll see what I mean.
4. Honor thy woman that plays video games
            If a girl is a gamer she is automatically elevated to higher status than non-gamers. Female gamers (while on the rise) are few and far between. Just imagine not getting bitched at because she wants you to get off the sticks and go cut the grass. Speaking of grass…
5. Thou shall get stoned and play video games
            If you need this explained to you you’ve obviously never experience how good it can feel to get baked and play video games all day. Plus it helps you go into full slacker mode which is pretty important if you’re going to dedicate a lot of time to gaming. The only down side will be that your controller will be covered in a coat of orange grease from all Doritos you’re going to eat.
6. Run up thy score
            When it comes to video games goods sportsmanship is out the window. Run up the score. If you’re beating someone’s ass in Madden try to pull off some trick plays or see if you can break a hundred points. Then call him a pussy and bang his mom. Hey, he’d do the same thing to you. If you’re destroying someone in Mortal Combat go for a flawless victory then go for the finishing move where you blow your load on his girlfriend’s face while he stands helplessly by.
7. Thou shall not be “that guy” while playing online
            If you’re playing a game online there is always somebody who is “that guy.” He might be some douche running around using nothing but a grenade launcher. He could be the guy breathing heavily into his headset the entire game so all you can hear is his fat ass working up a sweat while he plays Call of Duty. He might be the guy who throws a fit every time he gets killed. It’s just a fucking video game douche.
8. Thou shall visit the arcade
            There’s a reason places like Dave and Buster’s exists. Arcades are badass. Mix in booze and food and you’ve got the ingredients for a great time. There’s nothing better than dominating the claw machine after you watch a little kid fail again and again and then pull out the exact toy he spent hours trying to grab out of the machine. Suck on that bitch face. Arcades are also great because you can play tiny hoops and skee ball. Fuck yeah.
9. Thou shall be thy home team on sports games
            It doesn’t make a shit if you’re a Royals fan playing a MLB game or a Lions fan playing a NFL game. You’re always the team you root for in real life. Real gamers find a way to win with their favorite team from real life. The only exception to the rule is if you’re team is really good on the video game and you’re playing someone who sucks dick at the game, in which case you can choose a team that is worse than your team so you can talk even more shit after you beat your opponents ass.
10. Thou shall play video games in your underwear
            Unless you’re playing video games with another guy, you’re expected to play video games in a pair of boxer shorts with the boys dangling. And if somebody knocks on your door, don’t put on pants to answer it. Hell, it’s your place; anyone knocking on your door should know you’re playing video games in your underwear. If the person knocking on your door is a Jehovah’s Witness, or some shit like that, make sure your flap’s open and invite them in for a beer and to play Left4Dead.

Follow these commandments and God’s glory will shine upon thy controller.

Friday, July 1, 2011

The Average Guy’s Guide to Bullshit

            The saying that you can’t bullshit a bullshitter is in fact bullshit. If that saying was true then nobody could ever be bullshitted because we are all in fact bullshitters. The biggest difference in bullshit really depends on which sex you are. Average Guys bullshit about pretty much everything to make themselves look more awesome. Women bullshit to… well fuck if I know why women bullshit. The only things I really know about women is that they smell better than I do and I like them to be naked. I have however been able to identify some things that both sexes commonly bullshit about. Behold the Average’s Guy’s guide to bullshit.
Average Guy’s Bullshit
  • Sexual Prowess: Every Average Guy talks big shit when it comes to his skill in the sack. Listening to Average Guy’s bullshit you would think that 90 percent of men were some kind of hybrid between Ron Jeremy, Hugh Hefner, and Superman.
  • Money: Most the time an Average Guy won’t come right out and lie about his financials but it’s not uncommon for an Average Guy to do things that would lead hot young gold digging women to believe he’s loaded. The perfect example of this is the first date. On the first date an Average Guy will likely spend half of his pay for the week and wear the only respectable set of clothing he owns. After the Average Guy taps that sweet ass for the first time most dates will consist of McDonald’s dollar menu items, boxed wine for the lady and cheap beer for the Average Guy. His attire will be T-shirts (possibly with cutoff sleeves and mustard stains) and a pair of blue jeans that he’s had for close to a decade. Another way Average Guys lie about their income is with the cars they drive. Part of the reason an Average Guy will drive a badass sports car while living in a shithole apartment is because Average Guys love sweet cars but the other part is about sex. No money hungry tramp will give you road head in a 1992 Toyota Camry, but watch how fast your pants come down if you’re driving a Jag.
  • Fighting: Every Average Guy will bullshit about his fighting skills. Sure there are Average Guys who can hold their own in a fight, but when an Average Guy starts talking about how they could be beat the shit out of NFL linebackers and Ultimate Fighters because he took Tae Bo for six months and he’s seen The Karate Kid over a dozen times, he’s completely full of shit.
  • Drinking: No Average Guy will ever admit anybody can out-drink him. If Charlie Sheen, Andre The Giant and God challenged an Average Guy to a three versus one drinking contest, any Average Guy would accept the challenge, talk shit, make the contest respectably close before losing, throwing-up, and dying of alcohol poisoning (in that order).
  • Athletic Achievements: Let’s be honest, when you talk about that time you laid out Vernon Davis in high school football you’re actually talking about the time you smoked Verne Troyer in Pop Warner football. Every Average Guy thinks he’s a great athlete but truth be told we’re at best… average
There’s a slight difference in stature between Vernon and Verne

  • Women: As Average Guys we act like we don’t need women. This is a steaming pile of bullshit. You can only beat off into a sock so many times before the sock gets full. Men need women to keep us from turning into complete barbarians. Average Guys don’t have feelings or the ability to be embarrassed or ashamed. If it weren’t for women keeping us in check we would probably jerk off in line at Burger King, fart at funerals, and would probably eat our own young.
Women’s Bullshit
  • Cleaning: Women act like they hate cleaning. If they really hated cleaning NOTHING would be clean. If it were up to guys we would just hang around all day in rooms filled with pizza boxes and piles of Hustler magazines scattered everywhere. Like I mentioned before I have no idea why women bullshit but my best guess is that they bitch about cleaning because they want men to notice that they’ve cleaned so we appreciate them more. What we’re really thinking is “Fuck. It will be a week before I figure out where she put everything,” and “I can’t believe she threw away my May 1982 Playboy.” Or maybe women clean because to the rest of the world the Average Guy is a disgusting pig, but who fucking knows?
  • Friends: Women don’t have friends. They all hate each other. Women are jealous as balls of their friends and love talking shit behind each other’s backs. Women especially hate their friends who are prettier than they are.
  • Shitting/farting: Women bullshit men into thinking that they don’t poop or fart. Actually, if it weren’t for back-door sex, women would probably lead men to believe they don’t have an anus. I’ll admit it… I had no idea that women had bowel movements until I was in my twenties. Women won’t fart in front of a man until they’ve been with him for at least six months. They’ll also go without pooping while in the same house as their man for up to a year. Where women go to poop during this time is a complete mystery to me.
  • Men: Many women act like they don’t need men; of course this is complete bullshit. If women didn’t have men around there would be nobody to open pickle jars, slaughter cute animals for their delicious meat, reach objects on the top shelf, or pay for dates.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Average Guy’s Guide to Making Anything a Drinking Game

If there’s one thing an Average Guy likes, it’s getting bombed out of his freaking mind. Seriously, what would an Average Guy rather do on a Friday night:
1)    Eat microwave corn dogs and watch “CSI: Wherethefuck” with his mom.
2)    Have freaky sex with some random chick you met in a biker bar who, in an unexpected move, wants to cuddle the rest of the night.
3)    Play Dungeon and Dragons.
4)    Get shit-drunk with your buddies.
No.1?  Microwave corndogs are almost as awesome as blowjobs but, watching CSI with your mom? Lame.
Although, No. 2 sounds appealing on the surface, chicks like to cuddle after sex – even freaky sex. After sex – and I mean right after sex – guys can only think of two things, grabbing a sandwich, and getting the hell away from you. Cuddling is an emotional attachment. The only things guys have an emotional attachment to are their car, beer, Slim Jims, and their dog. And you know what? We’re not going to stuff any of them like a Thanksgiving turkey. Sometimes a guy can’t resist the cuddle temptation, mainly because the chick you just had freaky sex with is so freaky she might knife you if you don’t cradle her.
No. 3: Dungeons and Dragons? Although surprisingly less nerdy than watching “CSI” with your mom, and quite a bit less of a cutting risk than your date with Sydney the Destroyer, spending the night with a bunch of pimple-infested male virgins giggling over the boob picture of a mermaid in the “Dungeon Master’s Guide” (page 180 for all you nerds out there) isn’t nearly as normal, or as fun, as:
No. 4: getting shit drunk with your buddies.
Getting shit drunk with your buddies is the time-honored way of spending any night of the week, even when you’re married. If you’ve married anyone worth a shit, when the nuptial newness wears off your wife will encourage you to go get shit drunk with your buddies because, 1) she knows you enjoy it, 2) to just get you the hell out of the house, 3) She knows that if you get drunk at your house you will probably shit on the floor, break a window and/or drunk dial every male contact in her cell phone and threaten them with violence for “trying to move in on your woman.” and, 4) Even your wife understands nothing is more important to a guy than spending hours with other guys talking about football, college girl’s tits, beef jerky, cheerleaders, cars we used to drive, country singers we’d like to bang, and what we’d do if we were James Bond/James T. Kirk/Al Bundy.
What’s the best way to get shit drunk with your buddies? Drinking games. The beauty of a drinking game is you’re going to get drunk anyway, so why not squeeze as much fun out of it as possible? Betting on when Miley Cyrus is going to turn into Lindsay Lohan is fun, but the payoff might take a couple of years. You need something more immediate that won’t take you off the couch. That’s when we turn to television. TV brought us Walter Cronkite, Farrah Fawcett, and Billy Mayes, and if you use it correctly, will also bring you blissful drooling and incontinence. To formulate any TV-based drinking game, you need to 1) pick a program all drinking game participants agree on, 2) formulate a set of rules based on drink-to-catchphrase ratio, and 3) get fucked up. The fun is picking the right program. In order to have a successful, laughing, farting, potentially vomiting, drinking game, the program needs to be predictable. Nothing’s better than cartoons. Let’s fuck with Disney.
The “Phineas and Ferb” Drinking Game
1)    Before starting the game, every player chooses an equal number of primary, secondary and tertiary characters that will determine the number of drinks they take for each character’s appearance during the show. Random determination is best. Pull names from a hat, roll dice (if you have a 10-sided dice – and I know some of you dorks do … I do), or fight over them. Whatever.
2)    While watching the show, players take drinks depending on the appearance of the characters they drew, the catchphrases used, and typical situations. For example: If you’re unlucky enough to draw the entire Doofenshmirtz clan, an episode with Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz (one drink per appearance), daughter Vanessa (three drinks per appearance), ex-wife Charlene (three drinks per appearance) and brother Roger Doofenshmirtz (three drinks per appearance) might put you in the hospital. Coupled with a few “Perry the Platypus,” “Busted,” “Tri-State Area,” and “_____inator” lines of dialogue, you might die.
3)    Depending on the stamina of the participants, it might be advisable to dial 9-1 and keep the line open until the end of the game.

Primary Characters – one drink
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Major Monogram
Perry the Platypus

Secondary Characters – two drinks

Tertiary Characters – three drinks
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz (I have to interject here. Is it wrong to get an erection from a Disney teenage cartoon character? I’m just asking. Don’t judge me.)
A quick search on Google Images reveals I’m not the only one that Disney gives a hard on. This was actually one of the more PG-13 pictures.  That’s right, there’s Phineas and Ferb porn out there.
Little Suzy
Grandma Winnie
Grandpa Reg
Charlene Doofenshmirtz
Grandpa Clyde
Roger Doofenshmirtz
The band Love Handel (or any member thereof)

Characters we hardly ever fucking see – four drinks
Doofenshmirtz's Parents
Doofenshmirtz’s parents
Agent W
Isabella’s dog Pinky
Buford’s goldfish Biff
Vanessa’s punk boyfriend John
Candice’s hippy friend Jenny
Agent W

Catchphrases/Situations – one drink
“Ferb, I know what we’re going to do today.”
“Where’s Perry?”
Candice calls Mom.
Candice mentions Jeremy.
“Ah, Perry the Platypus.”
“Curse you Perry the Platypus.”
“Agent P.”
Major Monogram mentions Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz.
Perry puts on a hat.
Perry chatters.
Perry gets caught in a trap.
Perry and Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz get in a fight.
“Tri-State Area.”
Phineas and Ferb’s invention disappears.
Musical number.

Two drinks
“Whatcha doin?”
Ferb says anything (singing doesn’t count).
Buford says something violent.
Baljeet says something nerdy.
Candice fawns over Jeremy.
Candice sees something incriminating to her brothers but she can’t make her mother turn around to see it.
Fireside Girls.
Vanessa Doofenshmirtz tries to prove to her mother Heinz is an evil mad scientist.

Three drinks
Mr. Slushy Burger.
Obscure Fireside Girls Patch.
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz’s issues with his parents.
“Aren’t you a little young/old to …”
Carl screws up the video.
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz tries to bond with daughter Vanessa.

Four drinks
“Lindana” song
Gitchie Gitchie Goo” song

Chug that fucker
Gimmelshtump, Druelselstein.
Major Monogram’s wig/lack of hair.

I was going to include all the contact information for various 12-step programs that have proven successful in rehabilitating Phineas and Ferb Drinking Game participants, but who the fuck wants to stop drinking?
Ready to play again?
Shut up and drink

Friday, April 1, 2011

The Average Guy’s Guide to Movies

A good movie is like a driving a sweet muscle car.  When you’re done you should have an adrenaline rush and a hard-on.  Unfortunately if you’re going to get a steady source of poon from any one woman she’s going to want you to take her to the movies at some point.  This can raise issues because naturally women like shitty movies.  Now if you’re going to a movie to try to get a hand job in the movie theater, by all means go to the latest bullshit Nicholas Sparks book that’s been turned into a movie but if you want to actually enjoy the movie follow these rules.
Movies Not to Watch
1.   Chick flicks: As explained above chick flick are not acceptable unless the end result is you busting a nut.  No love stories.  No romantic comedies.  No Sex in the City type shit.
2.   Movies that win the Oscar for best actress:  Let me just demonstrate by naming the last three steaming piles of turd that The Academy has decided featured the best actress.  The Blind Side (2009): A football movie that is full of cry baby bullshit?  No, thank you.  I like my football to feature bones breaking and me drinking beer.  Fuck Sandra Bullock’s version of football.   The Reader (2008):  A fucking movie called The Reader?  It’s a movie not a book dumb shit.  That means this movie was either made by a fucktard or has a shit load of subtitles.  Either way fuck that.  La Vie en Rose (2007):  When I found out La Vie en Rose translates literally to “Life in Pink” I was pretty pumped about a pornstar winning an Oscar.  Turns out this movie is about some bullshit singer and the whole thing is in French.  There are only three things I like that are French.  They’re French-fries, French toast and slutty French maids.
3.   Chick flicks: As explained above chick flick are not acceptable unless the end result is you busting a nut.  No love stories.  No romantic comedies.  No Sex in the City type shit.
4.   Movies that win the Oscar for best actress:  Let me just demonstrate by naming the last three steaming piles of turd that The Academy has decided featured the best actress.  The Blind Side (2009): A football movie that is full of cry baby bullshit?  No, thank you.  I like my football to feature bones breaking and me drinking beer.  Fuck Sandra Bullock’s version of football.   The Reader (2008):  A fucking movie called The Reader?  It’s a movie not a book dumb shit.  That means this movie was either made by a fucktard or has a shit load of subtitles.  Either way fuck that.  La Vie en Rose (2007):  When I found out La Vie en Rose translates literally to “Life in Pink” I was pretty pumped about a pornstar winning an Oscar.  Turns out this movie is about some bullshit singer and the whole thing is in French.  There are only three things I like that are French.  They’re French-fries, French toast and slutty French maids.
5.  Avatar:  Avatar should have been called Pocahontas/FernGully/Dances with Wolves 3D.  The plot on this thing was shit and even though everybody knew exactly what was going to happen and the same story has been told thousands of times people still went to go see this garbage because it looked pretty.  I guess this is probably the same reason people go to see movies with Megan Fox in them.
  Movies to Watch
1.   Martin Scorsese movies:  There are a few exceptions but for the most part Scorsese movies are going to be about gangsters killing each other.  Awesome.  To name a few Goodfellas, Casino, and The Departed.  By the way The Departed is mega-badass.  I mean who doesn’t want to see Marky Mark blow Matt Damon’s brains out?  Jason Bourne my ass.  You just got dominated by someone who used to hangout with a group of guys called The Funky Bunch.

Hey I'm Mark Wahlberb.
Did you guy's see me in Boogie Nights?
This is how long my dong was in that movie. 
Say hi to your mother for me ok?

2.   Porn:  Its porn.  Come on.  Do I really need to explain it?  Pornos have the most exquisite plots.
3.   Zombie movies:  What’s better than slaying an undead human that has no thought other than a burning hunger for human flesh?  Nothing, but until the zombie apocalypse happens watching zombie movies will have to do.  Don’t forget to take notes and make proper preparations for when shit does hit the fan and the zombie horde is swarming your town.
4.   Action movies:  All action movies are good to the average guy.  Shit, we don’t care if there is even a plot.  If it were up to me action movies would just be 90 minutes of ass kicking and gun fights with the occasional sex scene thrown in (with full penetration shown of course). 

Other Guidelines for Movies
1.   Sneak in snacks:  Call me crazy but something feels fucking ridicules about paying 10 bucks for a fucking soft drink and a bucket of popcorn.  Fuck that.  I’ll be bringing in my own snacks.  If you’ve got some floozy with you she’s the perfect mule for smuggling in snacks.  Stick that bag of popcorn you popped at home and that can of Coke in her purse.  If she doesn’t carry a purse her vagina will due but may affect the flavor of your treats depending on the last time she showered.  
2.   Don’t talk during the movie:  I don’t give a shit what you think about the movie.  I don’t want to hear you telling the characters not to go into the room with the killer in it and God help you if you answer your cell phone during a movie.  All of the prior will be grounds for your tongue being ripped from your mouth. 
3.   Don’t miss the trailers:  Sometimes the trailers can be more badass than the actual movie you’re going to see.  How else are you going to know about that zombie, action, mobster, porno directed by Martin Scorsese movie coming out in a few months? 
4.   Don’t ever listen to the guy who works in the video store:  Every person who works in your local video rental joint thinks he is some great movie critic.  Fuck that guy.  You know what he is?  A teenager/jerk-off/nerd that works at fucking Blockbuster.  Don’t ever let one of these fuckwads recommend a movie to you.  In fact don’t even let them talk to you about a movie you’ve already selected.  If one these turd-nibblers tries to speak to you karate chop him in the throat and then go pick out a Bruce Lee movie.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ask the Average Guy

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Average Guy’s Guide to Surviving the Corporate World

            Chances are if you’re an Average Guy you’ll end up working in the corporate world at some point, which blows but is pretty much inevitable. The corporate world is basically prison with fewer chances to exercise. You sit in a windowless box (a cubicle) and put in your time until your sentence is up and hopefully you make it out before you’re made into somebody’s bitch and forced to suck corporate dick all day. Fuck that. You’re nobody’s bitch. I’m about to arm you with a corporate shank and body armor made out of telephone books. Here’s how to survive in the corporate world.
Do as little a possible
I don't do shit at work.
            You know what I do most of my day while I’m getting paid to be a constructive part of a corporation? Not fucking much. It’s amazing how long you can avoid doing any actual work while at work with the Internet at your fingertips. I know some of you will say “But, what about doing your best in hopes of getting a promotion?” or some shit like that. If you have this frame of mind you’re already sucking the corporate dick, you poor son of a bitch. Quick, bite down as hard as you can.
 Always seem like you’re busy
            Never let anyone know you’re not busy. If somebody calls your office phone let it ring at least three times before you pick it up. That way it seems like you were in the middle of something important. Use words like “swamped” and “deadline” every chance you get. Never mention that you could help somebody else with their shit. Next thing you know everybody will be asking you for help with their work. You don’t even want to do your work, let alone somebody else’s. Also, if people think you’re not busy your position could be the first to go when it comes time to downsize.
Use as few words as possible to answers questions
Here’s what happens when you use too many words to answer a question at work.
Boss: Did you get those TPS reports done?
Corporate Dick Sucker: Well, I would have but I was on my way to work today when a unicorn took shit on my windshield then I crashed my car into a pile of dildos. Instead of coming into work right away I had to go to my buddy Carl’s house to have all the rubber dongs removed from my orifices. Carl is an expert at dildo removal. In fact he once removed a dildo from Burt Reynolds’ mustache. Can you believe that? He removed a dildo from the ’stache of The Bandit himself. Hey you want to watch Smokey and The Bandit some time? Anyway… back to the TPS reports I’ll have them to you just as soon as I get this dildo autographed by Burt Reynolds’ and I finish up calculating the WENIS. Hey I like your haircut. Has anybody ever told you that you look like Mr. Figgins? He was my high school math teacher. Want me to give you a blowie?
Boss: You’re fucking fired.
Here’s how that situation should have gone.
Boss: Did you get those TPS reports done?
Average Guy: No.
Boss: Ok. Well, I’m going to need those ASAP.
Average Guy: Fuck off.
Boss: I’m promoting you to boss of the world.

Caffeine and Energy Drinks
You can't live without them.
            Let’s face it, unless you’re the bouncer at a rodeo themed midget strip club your job is probably pretty fucking boring. You’re going to need something to keep yourself awake. Drink lots of caffeinated beverages and/or energy drinks. Another, possibly better, alternative to caffeine is the old paint eyeballs on your eyelids trick. That shit works every time. Plus you’ll win any office starring contest you might be challenged to and will probably win the affection of some of the women at your office.
“Steve is just so sexy. I love staring into his eyes.”

Don’t fear getting fired or laid-off
            To quote Franklin Delano Roosevelt “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself… and clowns. Fuck clowns. Now quit being such a fucking pussy because I don’t see any clowns around here.” Don’t be fearful of losing your job. Getting the axe is a good thing. You’ll be eligible for unemployment, which means you’ll get paid not to work, which is every Average Guy’s dream job. Unemployment will run out eventually but just look at it as a break to your prison sentence.

Escaping the Corporate world
            Just like prison, your ultimate goal is to get out of the corporate world. Most of use just serve our time and then retire and are released back into the wild. A lucky few will escape the corporate world and never have to return. Here are some of the ways to escape the corporate world.
1. Win the lottery: Okay, so the chances of winning the lottery are 1 in 195,249,054, but you might as well give it a shot. Sure you have a better chance of getting a blow job from Megan Fox, but somebody’s got to win the fucking thing. Hey that gives me idea for a new lottery game…
Megan Fox: Winning is everything.

Numbers matched
Make out with Megan Fox
Grab Megan Fox’s tits (under the shirt over the bra)
Grab Megan Fox’s tits (under the shirt under the bra)
Hand job from Megan Fox
Blow job from Megan Fox
Fully penetrate Megan Fox
For a chance to win a consolation hand job from Kristie Alley (hey it’s better than nothing and she used to be hot) send in non-winning tickets to:
If I win the consolation prize I’m investing in a time machine.

2. Live off the land: You don’t need a dime to live off the fat of the land so you won’t have to suck any corporate dick to do this. You will need to learn some important skills though. Besides just techniques for wilderness survival you’ll also need to learn how to make your own booze, how to grow a sweet mountain man beard, and how to get laid when you don’t have a vehicle or a place to live that has running water. Good fucking luck.
3. Start your own business: Starting your own business isn’t that hard but starting a business that won’t suck ass to operate and that will actually make you money is. Here are some businesses that meet both on those criteria. You’re welcome.
  • Strip club owner (bonus if it’s a rodeo themed midget strip club)
  • Bar owner
  • Hit-man/assassin
  • Bank Robber
  • Pirate
  •  Professional poker player/gambler/bookie
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle
  • Fur trader
  • Porno producer/porn star/porn director
  • Beer brewer/alcohol distiller/moonshiner
  • Mafia boss

Well, you’re on your own from here fuckers. Good luck. Try to make it out alive with a little bit of your dignity left. I hope to see you on the outside.